Turning living rooms into art galleries is becoming more and more popular. Maybe you have a photo wall you want to emphasize. You might have a growing art collection you want visitors to see. No matter what attractive displays you want to showcase on your home's walls, make sure your decorations and your lighting work together.

Do you have a track system for your artwork?

If you have more than one frame you want to highlight, a track system is the best way to get a straight and aligned arrangement every time. It also keeps the visible hardware to a minimum. Even better, it limits the risk of wall damage, which is great if you're renting an apartment or leasing a house. Depending on the type of artwork you have, ranging from lightweight four by six photographs to heavy oil paintings, you might need different structural elements to stop it from falling. Look for a high-quality track system that has standard pieces and a range of hardware strengths so you don't need a completely different assembly for every change.

Get track lighting to match your track system.

You need ambient lighting that puts the focus on the art display. Interior designers are focusing on the idea of layered lighting for residences. Not only does your home work best if you have a consistent base layer of lighting that reaches every corner, you need task lighting and ambient lighting fixtures that make your home more functional and inviting. Having an art gallery and lighting it up with track lighting that draws the eye is a great way to make your home interesting and attractive to your visitors. 

Don't use nails and hooks to secure your artwork. It can take hours to make everything hang straight and to repair the wall when you want to rearrange. Instead, go to Systematic Art here for hardware and long-lasting equipment that looks great.