Universities represent the fundamental aspects of life. Learning, questioning, and changing perceptions to create a dynamic worldview. Whether you're planning an art show, or you're introducing a new concept to your students, you want to show visual images. After all, visuals provide smoother comprehension and bring out creativity. Colors activate important cognitive functions in order to construct and deconstruct complex ideas. 

While you want to build a new philosophical curriculum with diagrams, you fear that your art hanging equipment might damage the walls. Of course, you do not want your Descartes-oriented thought map to tear away at the paint job. Hanging art is a risky business that bears down on the budget and the walls.

Luckily for you, there are safe, clean options to teach and demonstrate your ideas. Damage-free art hanging equipment gives you the easiest way to move around your art without ruining the walls. Damaged walls are unattractive and distracting for those who seek an aesthetically functioning learning environment. 

Swiftly move around old and new pieces for a systematic sense of artistic uniform. The art will remain intact and undamaged by other harmful hanging tools that put holes or rip those beloved pieces. 

Hang your pieces in a linear fashion or organize them to represent a geometric design. With so many hanging options to choose from, your seminars will speak in a verbal and visual form. 

Contact us for any questions about hanging equipment. We understand the value art possesses, and we will work with you for the best solutions.